Keeping up With Expectations
Status report: the climb up just got steeper
I’m alive and well everyone, no need to worry! It’s been a relatively long time since I’ve posted so here is the gist of my past week. The term “crunch time” has been especially true for me lately as my assignment due dates have been queuing up along with my daily software co-op applications. Other than that, I’m quite excited to say that my pull request from last week for Telescope has been approved and merged.
As for this week, I’ve been finding time to work on this following pull request. The current issues that I’m facing right now regarding porting the new Next.js error page is related to a possibly obsolete component PageBase
and figuring out how to assign an explicit type for a certain object. This has lead me to asking questions in this weeks triage meeting (lead by yuanLeeMidori) where we decided that we would try to reimplement PageBase
where needed, see this issue here. As for the typing of that ambiguous object (mentioned in my pull request), after some research I found that you can define it specifically as an object type, though I will still need to tinker around and see my other options. I still need to set up a private meeting with birtony to get this ironed out.
That’s these last two weeks summed up, and I won’t lie — I’m feeling stressed about everything going on right now. But as with every challenge that we face we can only do our best and keep trying. To all the other students who are reading this devblog, good luck with your applications!