Let’s Get the Train Going
Talking to the right people, juggling branches, and reviewing issues
Hey all! This past week I got a couple of my PRs merged (see here and here) and now it’s full steam ahead with accessibility. Below is essentially the code in my latest PR that solves one of the most troubling thorns in my side. With my element decorator PR merged, I can finally single out BlogSpot posts and style them accordingly — and with just 4 lines of CSS code, the sizing issue saga can finally come to an end.
* Custom styling for different blogging platforms.
* Known hosts so far are: [medium.com, dev.to, blogspot.com], otherwise the class is "is-generic".
* To add to this list see the Post.tsx file, under the `extractBlogClassName()` function.
.telescope-post-content.is-blogspot img {
display: block;
width: auto;
So what have I been doing this week? I’ve continued my accessibility conversation and I’ve taken this issue off of Yuan’s hands. I’ve been trying my best to review some PRs — but I’ve been wondering what the best course of action when it comes to PRs that I am not selected to review. I assume that they are looking for people who are familiar with the issue, and in that case, I don’t want to assign myself and start giving my critique. On the other hand, I know that some of these PRs are in desperate need of review since some of the people selected are too busy with their own stuff. I think how I will approach the following week is just to take my time to give a review whether I am on the list or not and if it was not warranted then it is what it is, they can just dismiss it right.
Lastly, once I get the code for the issue above running, then I will start to take Yuan’s advice and “…start checking all pages and components, see if the font size and colour pass WCAG 2.0.” (guideline here). Like I said in the last week’s post, I want Telescope to be able to be enjoyed by everyone.