Maslow-Fulfilled Update
Hey everyone, this blog is just a quick update on my progress on NesaByte’s Maslow-Fulfilled. I just wanted to say that so far, everything is going according to plan. I followed up on three issues: add calendar marker, redesign progress bar, and read from JSON file. As of writing this update, I have already completed working on the calendar marker and the progress bar (pr for marker, and pr for progress bar).
Despite completing the first two features that I planned, I have realized that I need data for my newly created progress bars to have any sort of purpose. That’s where my third planned feature - being able to read from a JSON file - comes into play. However, reading from a file in a newly acquired language has proved slightly difficult for me.
That being said, I feel proud that I have managed to actually complete both of my first features to NesaByte’s satisfaction. In order to fulfill my goals of contributing bug-less features to her project, I still have to make a third tester for the JSON file reader. I may adjust my priorities and iron out a more robust tester for the first two features to truly make sure that what I have contributed so far does not produce any undesirable results.