Midweek Madness
Climbing the pile of responsibilities one step at a time
Hey everyone! I thought I would just do a quick update on what I’m doing right now — this would help me organize my thoughts as it’s quite hectic right now with school assignments piling up and co-op applications due, along with my involvement with Telescope.
Telescope Update and Personal Goals
This week is a big jump for me in terms of the responsibilities that I was given; it is my personal goal to uphold those duties as a part of the Telescope team. This week I will be trying to tackle these following pull requests: port BannerDynamicItems to Next, port SearchResults to Next, update 500 error UI styling, and lastly port error page from Gatsby to Next. Now while I do love tinkering around when it comes to designing things, this will be quite a challenge for me as I am a bit rusty when it comes to web development and I am quite new to Next.js. How I plan to overcome this is by first understanding the Next framework and brushing up on my React.js skills by spending a bit of my time learning with Traversy Media’s Next.js Crash Course (I highly recommend this guy when it comes to crash courses, they were very helpful when I was exploring Vue and Gatsby). After catching up on Next I will start reviewing some of those PRs, wish me luck!
In other news, co-op applications are open right now and I am spending a lot of my time updating my resume — last time I had used it was when I applied to McDonald’s three years ago (time flies eh?). Other than that I am also working to design my team’s Flutter app for my Capstone Project as well as adding a pose estimation component to it, we hope to release it to the Google Play store soon.
On an ending note, sometimes I like to take a deep breath. I know we’ll get to where we are going, one step at a time.