Where We Are and Where to Next

Royce Ayroso-Ong
2 min readFeb 22, 2021


With last my week’s main issue merged, what now?

Photo by Bruno Wolff on Unsplash

That error page port was a ride, but I can gladly say that with some change requests here and there the pull request was officially merged. So what now? Well, I still have this issue to take care of, adding search result metrics info to search results — though I will need to follow up and see if this is still applicable to our current UI.

1.8 Release Plan

Along with that, I plan to work on updating the front-end UI by updating the Search Page, specifically the SearchHelper (I hold the search page and search-related stuff near and dear to my heart as it was my first pull request to Telescope and my first time working with Next.js). This is one of the initial UI design proposals (see design below, the issue here), I’ll see what they say this week but I can’t wait to try my hand at front-end design.

Credits to PedroFonsecaDEV for drawing the proposed layout

In addition, this issue caught my eye as I encountered the DynamicImage component before when working on the ErrorPage and I had to remove it because it was acting weird on mobile. I would like to make this issue the main focus for my contribution to 1.8 — I want to take on the responsibility of building up the component from the ground up and creating a high-quality, usable component. It would also be a good opportunity for me to brush up on my HTML5 and refresh my Next.js skills, and if I can get it working smoothly I can re-add it back to the ErrorPage.

So this coming Tuesday’s triage meeting I will ask about working on the DynamicImage and also about contributing to the updated UI for the search page.



Royce Ayroso-Ong
Royce Ayroso-Ong

Written by Royce Ayroso-Ong

Student at Seneca for Software Development. Stay awhile, and lets learn something new together!

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